How many of you out there understand your company policy? Not just some simple "duh.. I know I can't use my company computer to surf porn, everything I use is company property...". Do you actually know that your company has so many policies that were not revealed nor explained to you after you signed the offer letter?

Just recently, one incident almost cost me my job. I was let off with a serious warning letter (upon my request as a sign acknowledging my mistake). Now that I think about it, was it really necessary to sign the paper if it wasn't my fault? Oh well maybe it is because they have proof of the policy. On the paper, it stated that I have breached one of the company's policies under Human Resource: Conflict of Interest. To tell you the truth, that is the first time after working more than 2 years that I've actually seen the REAL context of this policy! Not to mention that it's just a couple of generic confusing lines. And it's under clause 4.xx. God knows how many more are there..

From my standpoint, the company failed at delivering its own policy to its employees properly. Yeah they give you some simple induction when you first joined. Brief you on the company history, career growth, show you around, meet some nice people. But something this important was never appropriately imparted to new employees.

If you think policies are not important, then you are very wrong! One poor guy from the other department was dismissed immediately the second day after he "unknowingly" posted some of his 20 cents worth of thought in a discussion forums. The reason? I bet it's one of those Conflict of Interest policy thingy. That could've happened to anyone! It doesn't just happen by chance! Who is to be blamed for the lack of proper education? I've started to take this policy thing seriously now after what has happened.

People say ignorance is bliss but not this one. If you like to live life like a hermit then go ahead. But if you are passionate about what you are doing and do not want your company to fire you for something that you are not aware of, request for a hard copy of your company policy and ask questions if you do not understand the clauses. Do make sure your company give you the complete copy ; not just a few pages that has something to do with your role. There may be more to that!


  1. Anonymous // July 22, 2008 at 1:18 AM  

    Hey Danny:

    I see that you're logitech.

    What's your e-mail - would like to chat.

    e-mail me

  2. Danny // July 27, 2008 at 2:04 AM  

    How can I help ya there?

  3. Anonymous // August 29, 2008 at 12:00 AM  

    You should have got yourself fired for selling Logitech products at LYP!!You are a CHEAT!!

  4. Danny // August 29, 2008 at 8:24 AM  

    Sorry to disappoint you. I don't recall such laws exist. Cheers!