Finally one of my life-long dreams have come knocking at my door; The Malaysia open ultimate fighter tournament. I overheard from one of my colleagues that such events exist in Malaysia.

I've always wanted to go back into the ring ever since my last fight of more than 10 years ago. My friend showed me the clips for last year's combatants and that really pumped me up even more. My blood is now boiling to the point where I just couldn't sit still. I need to train! I want to get in the fight next year to test my physical limits. Above all, I want to fulfill one of my dreams!

Other than boxing, I've not trained under any masters or gurus. Most of my skills are self-trained,
mixed with different martial arts for street fights. I can finally test them out in the ring; where they don't limit by form or schools.

The next tournament will be held next year. I have very limited time to get into shape and hone my skills as I have not trained for a long time. Time to
strengthen my weakness and perfect my strengths. Win or lose, doesn't matter... What is most important is the process, and leave no regrets!