If you guys still remember my previous post regarding Google Wealth Maker and wondering whether it is worth your 77USD/mo. After trying the program for a full week; here is my conclusion - The program does not work as promised. I have seen 0 results. You read me right - "zero". Here are the reasons:

The Google Wealth Maker is using Black Hat strategy to exploit the loopholes of Twitter to send mass message to followers of your Twitter account. In case those of you who do not know how it works. You set up a twitter account about a particular keyword which is relevant to the product which you want to promote. It can be an affiliate website or your own website. The GWM will search and try to follow/ add users to your twitter account based on the relevant keywords in their names.

Next, through the GWM interface, you set up a Google news feed. You input the relevant keywords which GWM will find in the content of the latest Google news. Then what it will do next is send the snippet news feed to all your twitter followers with your URL at the end. This sounds like a superb idea but there is one major flaw - Since GWM is driven by algorithms/ keywords; it cannot differentiate between relevant news and something which is of complete different topic. As long as the keyword you entered is somewhere inside the content, GWM will think that the news is relevant. In reality, you may be sending junk to your followers.

What happens, is your twitter follower is updated with a news like this:- "hacker stole a fortune from online... http://tinyurl.xxxxx". When the user wanted to read more about the news, instead of reading the complete news, he was directed to a completely non-related website. Worse is when he was presented with a website with long sales letter asking him to buy something. Okay, my example may not sound right but I believe you get the idea. I guess after receiving 100+ junk messages from the GWM, the followers will eventually block you.

All my Twitter accounts are suspended today when I tried to log in and check on the progress. Then I went and read the possible reasons why I was suspended and this is what I found out.

Almost every taboos are what GWM is doing! Holy crap! We all know that Black Hat won't last you long. Don't ever spend a dime on it!

The program is not completely bad. You get to learn some refreshing marketing strategies and methods. You will be able to download a valuable report on making money and increasing your page rank using web2.0 social networking sites. However, to pay 77 bucks every month for something which does not completely deliver, I'll pass. For those who claims to be successful with the program, I don't know how you did it or maybe because you just wanted a piece of the affiliate commission by providing fake information. The truth is, everyone's a sucker before trying the program for themselves. I have requested for my refund already. Let's see how long it will take for them to process.