It's quite popular nowadays. People are never content with whatever that they are making (Even you and I). Believe me if you will, the keywords "make money" or anything related to "making more money" are topping the charts for one of the most searched keywords in any search engines.

I have been studying these online money making methods for almost a year now and guess what? If I really want to make a living off from the internet, I may need to slowly abandon my current nonsensical blog postings and start focusing in implementing the secrets of online money making. Well, actually there are no such things as the so called secrets in making money online.

I've spent quite some fortune and time buying e-books and guides but in the end, they all don't work so well as claimed. The authors all claimed that their methods are fool-proof; some even claims that even their grandma's can do it. Well if that is the case I don't think why we still have poverty and people who bought the e-books are still struggling to make ends meet.

The so-called secret methods contained in their e-books are actually the same old methods that has existed for more than 20 years. People are just creative enough to re-phrase the words so that it sounds different. By saying that, it does not mean that ALL the authors out there are plagiarizing old work. There are some genuine ideas on how to make money online out there. However you will need to be smart enough to tell the difference between genuine methods and re-published methods.

In my 1 year attempt at making money online, I have made close to 200 USD only. For some, it may seem to be a laughing figure. For me, I see huge potential if I start to step out of my comfort zone and make some huge changes. I have too many plans in mind but did not execute them (due to laziness and work life balance). I still have a lot to learn from those who are successful in this field.

I might be changing my blog address soon if needed. Or even wipe out the whole DannyTechy blog and start from scratch. Doing some Logitech reviews out of passion aren't working too good for me as far as I can tell (Unless Logitech would be so kind enough to send me sample products for review purposes). Come to think of it, DannyTechy sounds like some tech geek who knows nothing but matrix codes.


  1. Onemargaret // July 29, 2008 at 3:59 PM  

    I wish I could get paid. I have been trying with google ad,, etc. Getting traffic to my web site is hard. My blog is everywhere. I guess everyone isn't a soap fan. But, I am not a quitter and I plan to keep on truckin on. Please do visit sometime. Have a great day.

  2. Danny // July 29, 2008 at 11:37 PM  

    Thanks for dropping by. Try Commission Junction or LinkShare.I will try to share as much experience as I can :). Good luck to us!