One day while browsing the internet for funny websites, I come across a very unique website where the author (Alex Chiu) claims to have invented some special devices to allow humans to live forever. Funny as it sounds, the author also claims himself to be half a messiah who will bring peace to the world.

Anyone heard of immortality rings? By wearing these specially designed rings on your fingers, you are able to enhance the rate where your body heals itself. Alex Chiu claims that you can get 30 days worth of healing in just one night by using his invention (immortality rings and foot bracelets). Your body heals faster than it ages; thus you live forever? Below are some of the excerpts I obtained from his site:

According to Alex Chiu, based on testimonies, facts, and proofs, people are believed to be able to stay physically young forever by using his new inventions "The Eternal Life Rings" and "The Eternal Life Foot Braces". The Eternal Life Rings are to be worn on both small fingers of a user during sleep. The Eternal Life Foot Braces are to be worn on all toes of both feet during sleep. Both devices consist of rare earth or ceramic magnets and plastic braces which hold magnets onto the fingers of the user. The inventor explained that the fingers and toes are the negative (-) and positive (+) terminals of your body.

When placing the magnetic devices, the magnetic pole on the right side of the human body is opposite to the left side. With a opposite pole on each side of the human body, blood circulation and electric current of the body are enhanced. The enhanced blood circulation and electric current increase metabolism in order to fight the aging process.

The Eternal Life Rings and The Eternal Life Foot Braces invented by Alex Chiu are believed to allow humans to stay physically young forever or turn humans physically younger, (Our lawyer told us to use the word "believe") as long as you wear the rings or foot braces every night during sleep.

Alex Chiu's Immortality rings are the most superior medical technology in the world because they amplify your body's Chi flow while you lie down for healing. The small finger acts as the smallest gear that turns a larger gear. And that larger gear is your entire body. You see, the small finger and your entire body are connected. If the small finger has 1% of energy flow, the body should have 100% of energy flow. If the small finger has 10% of energy flow.

The immortality rings have amplified your body's Chi flow from 100% to 1000%. Now there is lots of Chi energy available for healing. Your cells start to absorb medication and nutrients like crazy the moment you lie down. Your body heals itself faster than it can age. This is the biggest technology break-through in this century.

Sounds too good to be true? Since there is a guide on how to build your own immortality rings, I've decided to try building the rings myself and see whether I feel any difference. Since I'm under intense training daily to prepare for my ultimate fight next year, I could use some intense healing too!

The only problem is getting the right material for the rings (strong magnets)! I've looked around in every nearby hardware stores but unable to find any suitable magnets. Perhaps it is illegal to sell industry grade magnets in normal markets. My next option is to get the magnets via online stores. I'll be ordering some strong industry grade magnets via this online store. Once it arrives I'll build my own immortality rings and foot bracelets.

So if any of you would like to "live forever", either you can visit Alex Chiu's website and purchase his inventions; or you can purchase your own materials and build the devices yourselves.